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Events Archive
- Tue, 14 JanWebinarWebinar sul monitoraggio del carico in assenza di tecnologia specifica.
- Sat, 14 DecWebinarWebinar incentrato sulla preparazione nel settore giovanile con ospiti italiani e stranieri!
- Multiple DatesThu, 29 FebNutrition webinar - Beatrice dal Degan3 appointments to delve deeper into the topic of specific nutrition for basketball players, from the amateur to the professional profile.
- Sat, 16 DecCHRISTMAS EVENT - ApfipWebinar on young player development with 3 top-level guests. This webinar will be in English for Daniel Taylor and Arnau Sacot. Davide Rocco will speak in Italian but his power points will be in English.
- Membership OfferSat, 28 OctCity Catania Sports ClubAlessio Meroni, from Olimpia Milano, will discuss in a theoretical-practical way a specific strength training methodology for the youth sector.
- Sun, 17 SeptForlìFirst appointment of the season with the APFIP academies. We will be in Emilia Romagna, and as a speaker there will be Jacopo Mulinacci who will talk about how he analyzes players in preseason and the consequent individualized work in the weight room.
- Sat, 29 JulVeronaThe international clinic returns again this year. Unique training moment for basketball to listen to top-level professionals and be able to compare yourself with them.
- Membership OfferFri, 12 AugZola Predosa - BolognaHighly specialized clinic for physical trainers with international guests ready to disseminate their theoretical and practical contents and their experience in the field.
- Sat, 02 AprRavennaElia Confessore - Basketball Scafati Lorenzo Spadoni - Basketball Ravenna Andrea Schincaglia - Basketball Ferrara
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